Study planner.
When it comes to time management, I'll be the first to admit I'm not the best at it. It's something my parents are always on me about. My mom is constantly saying I need a planner or calendar to write out my assignments and other engagements going on. I always didn't like the idea of a planner because it personally stressed me out. Having to think a month in advance to write down everything I had going on made me a bit on edge. However, I just read How to build a realistic study plan you'll actually stick to. And it put things in perspective for me. It made me rethink the way a planner works. I don't have to plann out the whole month ahead of time. I can start small by just planning out my weeks. For example, most of my classes that are online are asynchronous. So I can get ahead if I want to. I do have three classes that aren't that way. If I can get as far ahead as possible in the asynchronous classes then I'll have more time to focus on my other classes during the week. I especially like how I can finish this class early. It will help me out a bunch in the long run.
It was also nice to know that procrastination is natural. In How to Beat Procrastination, I learned that our brains are naturally set to procrastinate and push things off. Our brains have an easier time focusing on things right in front of us rather than what is far off in the future. One of the tips to avoiding this was to focus on the first task. I know I always find the first step challenging. Once identified and mapped out I think I will be able to conquer the task at hand with more ease.